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Welcome To First Congregational
Church of Clarkston

Sunday Worship Services

Worship Service 10:00 a.m.  

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Communion Worship is the first Sunday of the month




Our Ministries & Fellowship

We do our best to try and serve the community. Below are just a few ministries we have regularly to do so.

Please refer to our calander for more events!


Watch Us on YouTube

Continue to learn!

Join us on YouTube if you can't make it in person to watch entire sermons, as well as other lessons from our Pastor! Wednesday Night Live videos include all kinds of lessons on the books and characters from the Bible.

Woman Praying


Please feel free to submit any prayers you may have. We can share with our congregation to pray over you, or please let us know, and we can keep your prayers private.

Thanks for submitting!

The Congregational Way  is a way of following Christ. People of a Congregational Church do not seek to be led by a creed, but by the Spirit. Ours is the tradition of a free church, gathered under the headship of Christ and bound to others by love, not law. The beauty of the Congregational Church is that we are autonomous, which simply means their is no church hierarchy, or outside leadership dictating how we should govern our own church. 

Our Church's Beginning

It was at the home of Samuel Bent on Feb 6, 1831 when he met with Mary Bent, Mary K. Bent, Mr. Rhinehart and Mrs. Rhinehart when they entered into a covenant to walk together in the bonds of the Gospel. He founded several Congregational and Presbyterian churches in the area. He wrote to the Society that at one time he had a parish 29 miles long, with six churches receiving his help. He called himself "a cicuit rider without a horse" because he covered the area on foot. On May 11, 1834, the "first building erected to worship God" was dedicated at the corner of Huron and Saginaw street in Pontiac.






The National Association of

Congregational Christian Churches


We are a member of  The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches. (NACCC) is a voluntary association of churches committed to fellowship with each other.  It is designed to allow local congregations to consult and advise together as churches upon matters of common concern to them, both temporal and spiritual, without infringing on their self-government.


The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches (

Covenant Statement

We are banded together as a Christian Church to maintain the worship of God, to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, to develop a consciousness of the Christian's relationship and duties to God and to the world around us and to inspire our world with a love for the truth, a passion for righteousness and an enthusiasm for service. To this end we pledge our loyalty to Christ, and covenant with each other to strive to express His spirit in our individual and corporate lives, to live together as Christian believers and to submit to the government of this church, working, giving, praying for its increase, its purity, its peace and seeking in every way to make it a power for the building up of the Kingdom of God.

We are a member of The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches





5449 Clarkston Road 

Clarkston MI 48348

Office open 9a-2p

Monday -Thursday

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